Northland works with commercial, industry and mining clients across North Ontario and the Muskokas.
We provide the following services for all your drilling, monitoring and well water construction needs.
Open and closed loop geothermal wells
Northland uses powerful, state-of-the-art dual rotary equipment to:
Determine the physical properties and boundaries of a reservoir; and
Drill deep, large-diameter commercial applications including municipal wells, industrial wells, pile driving and foundations
We also offer the following:
Casing rotator from 6-16 inches
Reverse circulation (RC) drilling
Angle drilling (45, 75 and 90 degree-angles)
Breakthrough holes
Exploration drilling
Well maintenance, repairs & upgrades
Northland provides water well maintenance services, reducing risks to your water supply and preventing costly and inconvenient breakdowns.
Well chlorination/“shock chlorination”: to control bacteria and build-up of contaminants
Repairs: of cracks or shifts in well casing, providing stabilization to the well
Upgrades: retrofitting your existing well to a new 6-inch casing, in compliance with Ontario’s Wells Regulation (903)
Well abandonment (decommission)
Got a well that is no longer in use, dried up, or broken beyond repair? Northland can decommission it for you—essentially, closing up the well as per provincial regulations.
Controlling groundwater by pumping to lower the water levels in the vicinity of the excavation
Monitoring wells
Drilling and construction of monitoring wells, for level monitoring of groundwater/aquifers and water quality analysis
Water well construction
Construction of new, watertight, contamination-free water supply wells
Water wells include 6-inch, 8-inch, 10-inch and 12-inch casing
Well pump installation
Complete installations of submersible pumps, as well as specialty pumps for large infrastructures